I regularly write blog posts about "books I've read recently", and just like two years ago, this blog post is a summary of all books I read during the last two years (2015-2016). This is the third time I do this and just a last year I top this blog post off with my top recommendations for books I suggest you should read.
Just as before, this blog post doesn't actually summarize the books that I read during 2015 and 2016, but rather the books that I wrote about having read on the blog during 2015 and 2016 and I'm more or less one year behind in writing about books I have read, i.e. if I write a January 2017 blog post about books I have read "lately", I will then in fact write about books I read a year ago, in January 2016! This blog post more specifically covers books that I read between November 2014 and December 2015 and during that period (14 months) I read altogether 39 non-fiction books:
- John Michael Greer, "Decline and fall: The end of empire and the future of democracy in 21st century America" (2014).
- Dmitry Orlov, "The five stages of collapse: Survivor's toolkit" (2013)
- John Michael Greer, "Not the future we ordered: Peak oil, psychology, and the myth of progress" (2013)
- Fabrizio Gatti, "Bilal: På slavrutten till Europa" [Bilal: On the slave route to Europe] (2007 in Italian).
- Baki Cakici, "The informed gaze: On the implications of ICT-based surveillance" (2013).
- Jacques Vallée, "Det osynliga nätet: En dataexperts bekännelser" [The network revolution: Confessions of a computer scientist] (1988/1982).
- Bruce Sterling, "Shaping things" (2005).
- Rasmus Fleischer, "Tapirskrift" (2013). The book title is an anagram for "Piratskrift" [piracy writings]. Out of print but available here as a pdf file.
- Eric Schüldt and Jonas Andersson, "Framtiden" [The future] (2011)
- David Holmgren, "Future scenarios: How communities can adapt to peak oil and climate change" (2009).
- Tom Standage, "The Victorian Internet: The remarkable story of the telegraph and the nineteenth century's online pioneers" (1998).
- Carolyn Marvin, "When old technologies were new: Thinking about electric communication in the late nineteenth century" (1988).
- Nicholas Carr, "The big switch: Rewiring the world, from Edison to Google" (2008).
- Håkan Selg, "Researching the use of the Internet: A beginner's guide" (2014).
- Worldwatch Institute, "State of the World 2010: Transforming cultures from Consumerism to Sustainability" (2010).
- Worldwatch Institute, "State of the World 2011: Innovations that Nourish the Planet" (2011).
- Worldwatch Institute, "State of the World 2012: Moving towards sustainable prosperity" (2012).
---------- 2016 ----------
- Jeff Rubin, "The end of growth" (2012).
- Kjell Aleklett, "Peaking at peak oil" (2012).
- Timothy Mitchell, "Carbon democracy: Political power in the age of oil" (2011).
- Raymond Kurzweil, "The Singularity is near: When humans transcend biology" (2005).
- Patrick McCray, "The Visioneers: How a Group of Elite Scientists Pursued Space Colonies, Nanotechnologies, and a Limitless Future" (2013).
- Robert Garaci, "Apocalyptic AI: Visions of Heaven in Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality" (2010).
- Evgeny Morozov, "To save everything click here: Technology, solutionism and the urge to fix problems that don't exist" (2013).
- Jaron Lanier, "Who owns the future?" (2013).
- Astra Taylor, "The people's platform: Taking back power and culture in the digital age" (2014).
- Douglas Rushkoff, "Present shock: When everything happens now" (2013).
- Jared Diamond, "The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn From Traditional Societies?" (2012).
- Tore Frängsmyr, "Framsteg eller förfall: Framtidsbilder och utopier i västerländsk tradition" [Progress or decay: visions and utopias in the Western intellectual tradition] (1980).
- Robert Costanza, Lisa Graumlich and Will Steffen (eds.), "Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and Future of People on Earth" (2007).
- Per Gyberg and Carl-Johan Rundgren, "Tio skäl att strunta i miljön: Om varför det är så svårt att förändra vardagligt beteende" [Ten reasons to not care about the environment: On why it is so difficult to change everyday behaviour] (2013).
- Karl-Henrik Robèrt, Göran Broman, David Waldron, Henrik Ny, Sophie Byggeth, David Cook, Lena Johansson, Jonas Oldmark, George Basile, Hördur Haraldsson, Jamie MacDonald, Brendan Moore, Tamara Connell and Merlina Missimer, "Sustainability Handbook: Planning Strategically towards Sustainability" (2012).
- Håkan Gulliksson and Ulf Holmgren, "Hållbar utveckling: livskvalitet, beteende och teknik" [Sustainable development: quality of life, behavior and technology] (2011).
- Jon-Erik Dahlin, "Hållbar utveckling - En introduktion för ingenjörer" [Sustainable Development - An introduction for engineers] (2014).
- Lee Rainie and Barry Wellman, "Networked: The new social operating system" (2012).
- Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford and Joshua Green, "Spreadable media: Creating value and meaning in a networked culture" (2013).
- David Graeber, "The utopia of rules: On technology, stupidity, and the secret joys of democracy" (2015).
- Anders Forsell and Anders Ivarsson Westerberg, "Administrationssamhället" [Administration society] (2014).
- Roland Paulsen, "Vi bara lyder: En berättelse om Arbetsförmedling" [We just obey: A story about the Swedish Public Employment Service] (2015).
Last time, i suggested eight books as "best buys" (a combination of quality and price). I will do that again and these are my eight recommendations for best buys these past two years:
- Roland Paulsen, "Vi bara lyder" (44 SEK)
- Jared Diamond, "The World Until Yesterday" (97 SEK)
- Jaron Lanier, "Who owns the future?" (118 SEK)
- Evgeny Morozov, "To save everything click here" (118 SEK)
- Timothy Mitchell, "Carbon democracy" (139 SEK)
- David Graeber, "The utopia of rules" (158 SEK)
- Patrick McCray, "The Visioneers" (262 SEK)
En bra lista! Jag har också läst en del av dem typ Graeber, Lanier och Morozov
SvaraRaderaGraeber överraskar mig inte men för mig var det lite mer otippat att du har läst Morozov och speciellt Lanier.