Welcome to my (academic) homepage and blog.
I will post (low-volume, aiming for a minimum of one message and a maximum of two messages per week) about my academically-related activities - for the benefit of those who wish to keep up with what I do and also for me to remember what I did last week!
I will also use the blog not just to record what I did, but also what I thought. This might come in handy in future activities of various kinds (papers, applications).
The blog was started during the early autumn of 2010 but it was only later, in October, that I did an effort to actually fill it with content (in the academic texts section). I aim to make many of the texts listed there available online.
Comment: One year later I have found many uses of the blog that I had not originally thought of.
- Sometimes it's great to be able to point others to specific blog posts (for example a student writing a thesis).
- All my notes from great lectures I've heard are essentially gone, misplaces or unaccessible, but I love using the blog for a few select observations and thoughts from a talk that made an impression.
- My reflections about courses are a great resource to come back to a year later, when that course is given again.
- It's great to save a record of what books I've read and when I read them.
And so on. I wish more people (including colleagues) would entertain blogs with the same level of activity - I would subscribe to them all!
In fact, I wrote a blog post (Nov 2011) about all the different uses (functions) I have for the blog. I came up with more than a dozen distinct uses!
Snyggt! Speciellt publikationslistan. Kommer du att lägga upp PDF:er av artiklarna också?
Jag tänkte det. Fast då får jag lägga dem någon annanstans och sedan länka härifrån för mig veterligen går det inte att ladda upp dokument till Blogger.
SvaraRaderaDet återstår fortfarande en del arbete och det är bara publikationslistan som jag hunnit lägga tid på ännu.