söndag 8 juni 2014

Workshop: Sustainable HCI + ICT for Sustainability = ?

At the CHI conference that I attended in Toronto 1 1/2 months ago, the idea of trying to "lure" people over to Stockholm at the end of August to attend the ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S) conference came naturally to me and my co-conspirators Elina and Cecilia. The idea of trying to gather the people with a dual interest in ICT4S and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Stockholm came equally naturally.

Since we had missed the formal deadline for proposing an ICT4S workshop, we felt that an informal "meeting" would be just as fine (perhaps even around the kitchen table in someone's home) and so me and Elina went to work. Since Elina sits in the same corridor of the conference organisers, she can pop by to ask them questions such as if it would be possible to get a list of who is attending the conference beforehand and/or to disseminate information to those who will attend.

After some further discussions, it seemed like the conference organisers (i.e. colleagues of ours) not only did not object, but actually encouraged us to incorporate our workshop into the formal program, not the least since there were two workshops (or non-workshops?) in the program that were "vacant" and only went by the names "Workshop X" and "Workshop V" (as placeholders). One of those workshops/non-workshops could thus morph into our workshop and we'd thus get the active cooperation of the organisers to disseminate information about the workshop to prospective workshop participants (including making it easy for people to switch to our workshop). We thus wrote a workshop description and submitted it to the conference organisers just a few days ago (also available on the web):


What is the role of Sustainable HCI in the field of ICT4S?


Elina Eriksson and Daniel Pargman
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

Call for participation
Since Eli Blevis presented his seminal paper “Sustainable Interaction Design” in 2007, sustainability has been an established topic for workshops, panel discussions and paper sessions at the CHI conference(1). Sustainable HCI (S-HCI) is also one of 16 official “SIGCHI communities” (http://www.sigchi.org/communities) and S-HCI workshops have been organized at every CHI conference since 2007. The workshop organizers for this workshop are also organizing a Sustainable HCI workshop (“Is there a European strand of Sustainable HCI”) at the European NordiCHI’2014 conference in Helsinki in October.

Sustainable HCI was present at the first conference on ICT4S in Zürich (2013), for example in the form of invited keynote speaker Jennifer Mankoff (CMU). Moreover, for the ICT4S 2014 conference, there will be a more numerous representation of researchers from the HCI field, and the submission as well as acceptance of several HCI-related papers is a testament to the increasing interest of HCI researchers to engage in the ICT4S conference and in the larger field. Hence, at this pre-conference workshop, we want to gather researchers who are interested in Sustainable HCI in order to discuss a number of questions regarding the intersection between S-HCI and ICT4S. The proposed workshop questions are:

  • What is the relationship between S-HCI and ICT4S?
    • Comment: this question can be discussed both from the point of view of the individual researcher as well in regards to the relationship between the two related and overlapping fields of research.
  • How can/should S-HCI contribute to ICT4S and how can/should ICT4S contribute to S-HCI?
  • Which (if any) S-CHI fields of research are a fit at ICT4S, but might have a hard time getting accepted to HCI venues (conferences and journals) in general or the very selective CHI conference in particular?
  • How could/should ICT4S influence the research being conducted/presented at the CHI conference and at related HCI venues (conferences and journals)?

Everyone who is actively pursuing research or who has an interest in Sustainable HCI is welcome to attend the workshop. There is no call for position papers to the workshop, but we instead urge attendees to prepare a short, ”minimal" Pecha Kucha(2) presentation for the workshop. Further instructions for preparing for the workshop will be disseminated in August.

If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please don’t hesitate to contact the workshop organizers.

(1) ACM SIGCHI (Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction) arranges the annual CHI (Human Factors in Computing Systems) conference. The CHI conference is the premier conference on Human-Computer Interaction.


Earlier in the past week, we also found out that our workshop proposal to the NordiCHI conference in Helsinki in October has been accepted ("Is there a European strand of Sustainable HCI?" - website here!). Since I've taken on the main responsibility for organising that workshop, we decided that Elina would take on the main responsibility for organising the workshop above. We very much look forward to both our workshops and there are still some workshops surprises left for this year (more on that later).

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