Two courses that I am responsible for started this week and they take all my time at this moment. These two courses represent the brunt of my teaching commitments during the academic year.
The course "Future of Media" is given for the 10th time and this is the 8th time I'm responsible for the course. We change the theme every year, so it's basically a new course every year. This year's theme is "Future of Magazines / Magazines of the future". Last year's theme was "Future of Radio / Radio of the Future" (more info about that course can be found here, here and here). As usual, we have a super-cool line-up of a dozen and a half guest speakers who will visit us in (mainly) September and talk about the theme from various perspectives (technical, economic, consumption (reception/use), political, analog, digital etc.).
The course "Sustainability and Media Technology" is a brand new course and I worry about both this and that. Most things have fallen into place, but a lot is still a little unclear. Like, why are there 69 students registered for the course, but only half of them showed up for the introductory lecture? And with so many guest lectures, will the course content be coherent enough?
I'm thus pretty busy right now I don't have the time to write a long blog post, but I expect I will come back to these two courses in a few blog posts during the autumn. "Sustainability and media" ends in the first half of October, but "Future of media" continues all the way until Christmas. To administer the courses and disseminate timely information, I have (once more) started a blog for each course; "Future of Media" and "Sustainability and Media Technology".
Hi Daniel. A note on the Future of Radio, came across this new development where-
SvaraRaderaRadionomy's New Browser Version Lets You Fulfill Your Dream Of Hosting A Radio Station http://tcrn.ch/RmxsPh
Thanks Vinay!