fredag 1 november 2013

Future of Media 2013 line-up

My project course DM2571 "Future of Media" went though a phase shift two weeks ago when we moved from the start-up phase to the project phase of the course. This time last year I took the opportunity to write a blog post that listed all the great guest lecturers we had heard in the course. I'm doing it again. 

We change the theme in the course every year and this year's theme is "The Future of News / News of the Future". Last year's theme was "The Future of Magazines / Magazines of the Future".

Below is the 2013 line-up of our (no less than 19!) great guests lectures. Ten different student project groups will present their visions of the future in the form of a larger (250+ persons) public presentation (welcome!) between 13-16 in the lecture hall Q1 on Thursday December 12, 2013.

-------------------- Lectures --------------------

- Stefan Melesko, Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Media Economics. The International Business School at Jönköping University, "The challenges facing legacy media companies"

- Gunnar Springfeldt, Springfeldt Media AB, Ex-Vice President of Development at Stampen Media Group, "International trends in news"

- Sofie Abrahamsson, CEO trainee at Eniro and former KTH Media Technology student, "Local news in a flash - media houses, trends and classifieds"

- Lottis Bergson, Digital Director, IDG Sweden, "Changing business landscape of specialized media"

- Martin Jönsson, Deputy Director, Programs, Swedish Radio (SR), "Can you charge for content/quality?"

- Kerstin Pilhage, Director Business Development, The Swedish News Agency Group (TT Gruppen), "The challenge facing News Agencies in a changing media market"

- Ulf Johansson, Chief Editor News, Swedish Television, "Public service in the Future of News"

- Oscar Westlund, Associate Professor at the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication at the University of Gothenburg and the IT University of Copenhagen, "Mobile news consumption gaining traction"

- Halvard Kristiansen, Head of Behavioral Targeting, Schibsted/Web traffic, "Behavioral targeting and the future of ads"

- Ola Henriksson, Editorial project manager at Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) and Olle Zachrison, Business editor at Svenska Dagbladet, "Engage readers to contribute to the news"

- Nicklas Lundblad, Public Policy Advisor at Google, "Thamus dilemma - Truth and technology"

- Ambjörn Naeve, Senior researcher in Knowledge Management and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), head of the Knowledge Management Research group at the KTH/CSC and the KTH/ECE School, "From news to views: Mapping knowledge that connects the dots"

- Lars Wilderäng, author and blogger, "On being a personal news channel"

- Malin Picha Edwardsson, Ph.D. student in Media Technology, "Carbon footprint of news publishing"

Anna Swartling, Ph.D., Usability architect at Scania CV AB, "Project TEAM work"

We unfortunately had a few guests cancel their lectures, and there was one person I really would have wanted to listen to, but alas, in the end it turned out to be too difficult to get her to visit us. 

During the previous month, I have written one additional text on this blog that relates to the this year's Future of Media course: Handbook for project-based courses. Two more texts that I wrote last year is still however very relevant: - How should student project groups be put together? and Student project groups - ambitions and grades.

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