tisdag 4 juni 2013

Media Technology bachelor's theses spring 2013

Last week was extremely hectic and it was the first week in forever when I didn't have time to write a single blog post! My goal is to write at least one and a maximum of two blog posts each and every week (except for summer and winter breaks) and I have for the most part been very good at fulfilling that goal since I started this blog almost three years ago.

I wrote a blog post recently about the five bachelor's theses that I have been the advisor of during the spring. One of the things that kept me busy last week was being the examiner of ten other media technology bachelor's thesis. This is something I did also last year.

Being the examiner means that I have to read these theses quite carefully and prepared constructive critique, written feedback as well as later also grading them. The title of this blog post is not 100% representative as ten theses (below) only represent about 1/3 of the bachelor's theses that our media technology students wrote this spring (there are many different teachers involved in this course).

I will later update this blog post and add links (these theses will all be published on the web - eventually). I especially liked the first four thesis below as they for the most part represent all you can ask for in a bachelor's thesis and they will thus all get top grades.

- Cederman & Warnhag, "RSVP i läsar-kontrollerad takt på smartphones för dyslektiker" ["Self-paced RSVP on smartphones for dyslexics"]. AbstractThesis (pdf file).

- Evaldsson & Åbyhammar, "Att leva utan appar - besvärligt eller befriande?" ["Living without mobile apps - difficult or liberating?"]. AbstractThesis (pdf file).

- Målsäter & Schön, "Arkivering av internetpublicerade videogram för bevarandet av det svenska kulturarvet" ["Archiving internet published videograms for Swedish cultural heritage preservation"]. AbstractThesis (pdf file).

- Blomgren & Wennström, "Visualisering av framsteg i matematikstudier" ["Visualization of progress in mathematical studies"]. AbstractThesis (pdf file).


- Andersson Glass & Storvall, "Rapid Serial Visual Presentation på moderna mobiltelefoner" ["Rapid Serial Visual Presentation on modern mobile telephones"]. Abstract. Thesis (pdf file).

- Bäckman & Rosman, "Lifetracking och studievanor" ["Lifetracking and study habits"]. AbstractThesis (pdf file).

- Carlsson & Engström, "Visualisering av musikskalor på klaviatur" ["Visualizing music scales on keyboard"]. AbstractThesis (pdf file).

- Hanze & Ringqvist, "Grafiskt förmdlande av kroppsspråk, känslor och tonläga via uttrycksfull typografi" ["Graphically conveying body language, emotion and tone of voice by means of expressive typography"]. AbstractThesis (pdf file).

- Olsson & Rosell, "Telemedicine for lung cancer patients". AbstractThesis (pdf file).

- Eliasson & ter Vehn, "Development study of KTH Social's schedule function". AbstractThesis (pdf file).

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